Dropbox migration update

by Anonymous in , , , ,

As described in the campus global email sent on 3/30, the Dropbox@CI rollout will begin on Monday, April 10, 2017 and proceed in groups according to your building location on campus. Review the migration schedule here. Please note that network shared drives for workgroups (G drive, Z drive, etc.) will not be affected during​ this migration phase.

What happens next?

  1. If your group is scheduled for rollout next week, the T&I Dropbox@CI Implementation team will be contacting you this week with instructions and further guidance. For all other groups, the T&I IT Consultant assigned to your location will contact you at least 5 business days before the beginning of your migration window.
  2. During the rollout period, a Dropbox Implementation team member will be available in your location to help you with your Dropbox account and moving your personal Homeshare (H drive) content to Dropbox@CI.
What do you need to do next?
  1. Review the migration schedule to see when your group/building will migrate.
  2. Please reach out to Asha Ramachandra at asha.ramachandra@csuci.edu if the assigned timeframe does not work for your workgroup.
  3. If the schedule works for you, you do not need to do anything. Just wait for the communication from the Dropbox@CI implementation team with further instructions.
Need help or have questions?
Please visit the Dropbox@CI Implementation web site for the latest news and information, or contact Asha Ramachandra at asha.ramachandra@csuci.edu.